Shaping Skills

Finding the next generation skills

A Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA) taxonomic guide for the Jobs and Workforce of the Future is invaluable for navigating the dynamic employment landscape. As technology, automation, and global changes reshape workplaces, this guide systematically ranks the essential KSAs needed for emerging roles. ShapingSkills © facilitates strategic talent development by analyzing key knowledge domains, skills, and competencies across various sectors, empowering people to adapt and excel. Employers benefit from accurate talent acquisition, matching evolving job requirements with appropriate KSAs. Furthermore, universities can use this taxonomic guide to align their curriculum, ensuring that graduates are equipped with the most relevant and in-demand competencies, thus improving their employability and the institution's reputation. In a constantly evolving workforce, ShapingSkills © aims to be the compass that ensures professionals and organizations stay aligned with future demands.


In the ever-evolving landscape of the future workforce, specific economic sectors stand out as the primary drivers of change, reshaping employment opportunities and job KSA requirements.